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HomeBixex5 Types of Customer Services

5 Types of Customer Services

As a business owner, you would agree that no two customers desire the same thing. Every customer is different, and so are their individual needs. While some customers might overlook some fault in your service or product, some would shout this to the rooftop. Beyond this, the market is constantly changing. There are different situations, scenarios, and challenges bombarding you every single day, sometimes you even find it difficult to keep track of your customer’s performance. Based on this, this article focuses on 5 different types of customer services you can choose from. Depending on your business, you can choose to operate one or two or all five.

  1. Social media customer service
  2. Email customer service
  3. Live-chat customer service
  4. Phone customer service
  5. On-site customer service

Social Media Customer Service

This type of customer service is made available by the company’s social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Email Customer Service

This is a kind of customer service rendered via email, and truth be told, email customer service is king. Not only would the customer be able to file his or her complaint at any time in the day, but the company can also collate the list of its customers’ email and address a general issue that might apply to everybody.  

Live-chat customer Service

Here is another great customer service tool. With live chat, you are in constant communication with your customers addressing their questions and grievances. Also, this kind of customer service tool allows you to take care of many customers’ questions at the same time. 

On-site customer Service

On-site customer service is the type that requires the customer service representative coming to address your issue either at your home or workplace. One of the advantages of this is that you don’t have to leave your workplace or home. On-site customer service is very effective for fixing electrical appliances, attending to plumbing services, and so on.

Phone Customer Service

Phone customer service is the most popular and the most basic of all customer service.  One of the reasons for this is because of the kinds of intimacy it creates between the company and the customer

A company who operates all five types of customer service stands a chance to get more customers than one that restricts itself to one or two. This is not to say that finding what works for you and sticking to it is wrong. The truth is, customers are different, the fact that a customer prefers a phone call does not mean that all your customers would prefer this. Some working-class might find this a disturbance and would have preferred email customer service. This is why as a business owner, getting customer feedback is essential to growing your company. The feedback can tell which type of customer service to apply to a certain category of customers. 

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ALSO READ: What is Customer Service?



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