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HomeBixexWhat is Customer Service?

What is Customer Service?

Customer service is the support rendered to customers before and after-sales that helps them have a smooth experience with your service or product. Contrary to popular opinion, customer service is not how you attend to your customer when they want to patronize you. Rather it begins with the strategies used in getting the customers and attending to their needs. Customer service encompasses how you locate the customers, pitch your products to them, deliver the product and attend to their questions after patronage.

However, it is important to note that customer service has gone beyond traditional telephone support. Today customer service would include email, blog posts, social media posts, and text messages. Why is your customer service important?

Importance of Good Customer Services

Helps to create a competitive edge in the market

Having an amazing customer service strategy is one of the ways a company can have an edge in the market. Good customer service can even turn your customers into your company marketer. They tell their friends, families, and acquaintances about how great your company is.

Determines your business growth

No doubt, customers are to business what water is to fish. As such, your customers determine how successful your business would be. Since the success of your business is tied to your customers, it is not wrong to say they should be on top of your company’s priority. 

Helps to creator a good customer experience

Gartner’s research revealed that “89% of companies now expect to compete mostly on the basis of customer experience.” The best way to assure your customers of a great customer experience is to have a good customer service system. How your customer service team handles your customers determines how good or bad their experience with your company would be. 

Enhance brand visibility and reputation

While investing in brand visibility is very good, having a great customer service support systems is best. When a customer is duly satisfied with a company, he or she will tell others about the company. For instance, assuming you are in need of a good shoe, and luckily, while exploring the internet, you land on a page that offers exactly what you need at a good price. Upon ordering, you got exactly what you saw. The shoe was strong, well-designed and of great quality, plus you have a 7 days money-back guarantee. As if this isn’t enough, there is a short message of appreciation attached to the delivery box. In about 2 months, the company sent a message to you asking you about your experience with the shoe and added that should you have any issue with it, you can still file your complaint and be compensated. Indeed, this is a company with superb customer service. No doubt, should a friend or acquaintance mention that he or she is in need of a shoe, you will not only recommend the brand but also share your experience. 

Customer service is one of the keys to building a good brand image.

ALSO READ: Customer Service as a Competitive Advantage




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