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HomeBixexEffective Tips To Manage Your Time.

Effective Tips To Manage Your Time.

No matter how much effort we put into production, it would somehow feel like there is so much to do and not enough time in the day to do all of them. Could it be that we are not managing time effectively enough?

We would be discussing how to manage our time, this is because time management is life management. If we control our time better, we stay in control of our lives. But first, we must highlight why time management is important. 

Time management to reduce stress 

When we are in control of our time, we are sending a signal to ourselves and the people around us that we respect our time. We also respect ourselves and this reduces anxiety. When we effectively manage time, we feel like we are in the driver’s seat.

Time Management when working from home

When working from home or remotely, it is of great importance to manage our time effectively. If this is not done, it can lead to burnout and be ineffective. If we do not have control over our time, we would always be working at all times and this is unhealthy which in turn does not produce the best work.

Here are some ways to manage time at home:

  • Create a distinction between the office space and personal space and don’t work in the personal space.
  • Close the laptop and the phone for an hour during the day and take a walk.
  • Set strict rules about working during meal times (don’t do it)
  • Have a firm cut-off time at night and start time in the morning, unless for emergency cases.
  • Let everyone at home about these rules so each of you can hold the other accountable.

Best Practices on How to Manage Time

Create a system that you enjoy using and looking at

To manage time effectively, you must create systems that work for you and make you feel good every time you look at it. You could use a pen and paper to put your to-do list and stick to it. You can as well use apps or a calendar. The main thing is that you have to like and feel comfortable with your system.

Be Realistic 

Though you may want to get everything done, in reality, it may not be possible. To manage time effectively means having realistic expectations of what you can do. You have to figure out how many hours it may take you to get it done. Break down bigger tasks into small steps.

Work when you work best

Having a to-do list is not enough, you need to bring out time to look at the list and choose the right time that suits you to execute them. If a project requires a lot of concentration then doing it in the morning may be the best time.

Have a filler list

During the break of the day, you may need to fill it in with lighter duties that don’t require so much intense work. Some people call the list where you have lighter duties a “filler list”. These things need to be done but don’t take much time.

Break down

Break big tasks into smaller steps. This helps you avoid procrastination and getting things done quicker. It also reduces stress.

Managing time is not only practical but emotional. So you have to keep our mental and emotional health in check. The more we take control of our time, the more productive we become.

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