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HomeBixex5 Things To Do When You Lose Your Job

5 Things To Do When You Lose Your Job

Losing a job is not just painful but heartbreaking. It leaves you thinking about so many things and you may start doubting yourself and what your abilities are. 

But the truth is that it can happen to just anybody, and in most cases, unexpectedly. Most times many do not know the next step to take once they lose their job. Let’s consider some things you can do when you lose your job.

Acknowledge your emotions, then try your best to move on.

When you lose your job, you may experience a lot of emotions. Saying goodbye to a regular paycheck, thoughts of embracing life without a set routine, rage as you reflect on all the long hours you devoted to your former position, and a whole lot of other things.

You need to understand that this is normal, but you need to accept that it has happened. Move on and focus on the future.

Tell Everyone, even people you do not know

When you lose your job, you may be tempted to keep it a secret, maybe because of ego or shame. But friends and family can’t help if they aren’t aware that you lost your job.

If you attend small gatherings and you’re asked what you do, you could let them know you lost your job. They can offer practical assistance that can help you land another job.

Get Your Finances in Check and Create a budget 

This is not the time to accumulate debt or buy what you cannot afford. You need to cut down on expenses and manage the resources you have. Though awkward, you need to talk about money and become knowledgeable in its management. 

The difference between the paycheck you lost and what you receive from the layoff will help you know how to control spending and make the needed adjustments.

Invest in Your Personal Development 

It may make little sense to you about spending money when little or none is coming in. But “it takes money to make money”.

If enrolling in a course will make you more marketable and you can afford it, then go for it. Take up workshops and attend networking gatherings.

Prepare and practice your Narrative 

It is wise to put your layoff behind you. But be ready to talk about it because it would come up during future job interviews. 

You need to initiate an honest but professional narrative and practice it often so that it becomes part of you. 

Focus on how your skills and capabilities would be transferred and how thrilled you were to have the opportunity to be considered for this role. 

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